Japan Guide & Information Japan Guide & Information

UPDATE | July 07, 2020

What is "time management" that is useful when you are not motivated?

Due to the influence of the new corona, the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) was canceled in July, and I think many people are uneasy. However, you must continue to study Japanese so that you can take the entrance examination for a university/graduate school/ Professional Training College, pass the next JLPT, and live a more fulfilling life in Japan. Know how to manage your time well so you can stay focused.

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●If you are not motivated to study, "5 minutes rest, 5 minutes rest"

In the 1980s, an Italian thought about time management. It was "if you concentrate on working for 25 minutes, work or study, then rest for 5 minutes". Named Pomodoro Technique, it is now the method practiced by people around the world to achieve good results in their work and study.

Concentration of 25 minutes → Repeating a 5 minute break 4 times makes you tired, so if you concentrate for 25 minutes then rest once for about 20 minutes. Also, repeat the 25-minute intensive → 5-minute break.

When you're motivated while you're studying, or when you want to stay focused and do something, do you feel like you can do your best if you think "Let's concentrate for 25 minutes"?

This is a time management technique designed to keep you focused while studying or working, and not to make you feel tired. It is good to divide the time with a timer used in the kitchen, but now there is an app for Pomodoro Technique, so I will introduce it later.


● When you actually try "Pomodoro Technique" to improve your concentration...

I often try writing at home, so I gave it a try.

While I was absent, I thought that I was absent, saying "I have to work, but..." and I returned to work without any rest.

When I knew about Pomodoro Technique, I started recommending a smartphone app called "BEAR FOCUS TIMER" to my friends. When I downloaded and opened the app, the whole screen became a cute bear illustration, and the number "25:00" representing the time appeared in the center.

Just turn the screen of your smartphone down and a 25-minute timer will be set to start. After 25 minutes, the smartphone will make a sound and tell you that it's over.

The timer starts to sound again after 5 minutes from the break, and when you put the screen down, the 25 minute timer starts again.

I thought, "I'm working for 25 minutes and a 5 minute break isn't too short," but when I tried it, I thought I would be able to rest in 25 minutes, so I could concentrate more than usual. I had to take a rest. This is also work.” I was able to relax without any stress during the break.

●It is recommended to use the app to concentrate and study

There used to be no smartphone, so everyone used a kitchen timer. However, nowadays, if you check "Pomodoro Technique", you will find many free and paid apps.

If it's free, "Focus To-Do" is not only Pomodoro's technique, but you can organize what you have to do on that day in "To do list".

Also, the "BEAR FOCUS TIMER" I use costs 250 yen to download, but I get a cute illustration every 25 minutes of concentrated time, so I can spend time focusing and resting. You can change it as you like.

Let's find out from various apps what seems to suit you and start using it. While watching the remaining time on the app, thinking that “I can rest for the rest of my time” will increase my concentration when studying Japanese.


"Focus To-Do" (Provided by Pomodoro Timer & To Do List-SuperElement Soft)

"BEAR FOCUS TIMER" (provider: IDEAMP Co., Ltd.)

The person who wrote this article

Rio Wakabayashi

Free writer who likes reading. Born and raised in Osaka and moved to Tokyo in 2010. He writes articles, book reviews, and columns. Currently, while writing, she teaches Japanese to foreigners at a Japanese language school in Tokyo.

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