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UPDATE | January 1, 2023

List of frequently used onomatopoeias Released list of meanings and example sentences

Do you know "onomatopoeia" that conveys sounds, states, and feelings in Japanese? There are many expressions that use the same word twice, such as "pika pika", "zaaa", and "fluffy". This time, I will introduce a list of frequently used onomatopoeias. Try using it in your daily conversations.

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[When cleaning]


What is "pikapika"
Meaning: beautiful as if shining
Example: Please make the floor shiny.

What is "gritty"
Meaning: lots of fine details, not smooth
Example: There is dust and the floor is rough.

What is "scrubbing"
Meaning: rubbing hard
Example: Wash thoroughly to remove dirt.

What is "slippery"
Meaning: clean and slippery
Example: It's freezing and slippery here, so be careful.





What is "hot"
Meaning: freshly prepared food is hot
Example: Hot oden is ready. Please come while it's still hot.

What is "Others"
Meaning: warm (warm)
Example: Other rice is delicious.

What is "fluffy"?
Meaning: very soft
Example: This bread is fluffy.

What is "mogumogu"
Eating sounds (used in manga, etc.)

What is "Goku Goku"
Sounds when drinking (used in manga, etc.)

[When sick]


What is "throbbing"
Meaning: Pain that feels like waves coming over and over again
Example: My head throbs on rainy days.

What is "kiri kiri"
Meaning: needle-like pain
Example: My stomach crunches due to stress.

What is "Gangan"
Meaning: like a loud noise in your head
Example: I drank too much and my head hurts.

What is "Mukamuka"
Meaning: looks like he's going to vomit and feels bad / angry and in a bad mood
Example 1: I ate too much and got sick to my stomach.
Example 2: No matter how many times I say it, they don't understand. Don't be annoyed.

What is "Muzumuzu"
Meaning: itchy, restless
Example: My nose is itchy due to hay fever/I can't sleep because my legs are itchy

What is "zokuzoku"
Meaning: It's a cold feeling and before you get a fever
Example: I've been shivering since around noon. You may have a fever.

[Sound of rain and thunder]


What is "potsupotsu"
Meaning: it's raining
Example: It's raining, but you don't have to put up your umbrella yet.

What is "shitoshito"
Meaning: It's raining quietly for a long time
Example: It is pouring rain. I don't think it will stop for a while.

What is "zaza"
Meaning: it's raining
Example: Somehow it rained. Even with an umbrella, you might get wet.

What is "gorogoro"
Meaning: The sound of thunder / The sound of a stomach ache
Example 1: Thunder is rumbling. It looks like it's going to rain heavily.
Example 2: My stomach is rumbling. I'm going to the bathroom for a while.

What is "picka"
Meaning: lightning flashes
Example: Didn't you just shine? I wonder if lightning struck somewhere.



What is "Dokidoki"
Meaning: Feeling worried/expecting
Example 1: Whenever a police officer is near me, I always get nervous.
Example 2: Will I be able to do well in tomorrow's presentation? Don't be nervous.

What is "Disappointment"?
Meaning: sad and depressed
Example 1: The test failed. I'm disappointed.
Example 2: Don't be so disappointed. I'm sure you'll be fine next time.

What is "harahara"
Meaning: I'm worried about whether it's okay
Example: A child is in such a high place. Don't be nervous.

What is "sowa sowa"
Meaning: I feel restless and my body moves
Example: I wonder if he hasn't come yet. It's been a long time since I've seen you, so I'm nervous.

What is "irritated"
Meaning: Things don't go as planned and you feel bad
Example: The car in front is slow. Can you speed it up more? I get annoyed.

[Use tools]


What is "tonton"
Meaning: tapping
Example: Tap here to start the monitor.

What is "click"
Meaning: The sound of something fitting tightly/closed tightly, etc.
Example 1: Turn the lever until it clicks.
Example 2: Please close the lid of this bottle.

What is "ping pong"
Meaning: The sound of pressing the bell in front of the house / The sound of answering the quiz correctly
Example 1: (ding dong) Hello. It's a courier.
Example 2: A: Is this answer 〇〇? B: Ding-Dong! correct answer!

What is "Batan"
Meaning: The sound of a door being slammed tightly
Example: Please close the door quietly instead of slamming it.

How much did you know about "onomatopoeia"?

There are still many types of Japanese onomatopoeia. If you find a word you don't know, check its usage and meaning, and try using it in conversation!

The person who wrote this article

Shimizu Shiho

I teach Japanese at Japanese language schools and universities in Kyushu. I love games and manga. I also work as a coordinator and web writer to create a local Japanese language class for those who are studying Japanese.

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