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UPDATE | November 04, 2020

【International Student Interview】JF Oberlin University

"International student interviews" will listen to a variety of stories to foreign students studying at higher education institutions in Japan. Let's use it as a reference for choosing a school and preparing for the exam, such as what preparations and efforts have been made towards passing the university, the state of learning after admission.

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Senior Profile

Global Communication Studies 3rd year (Global Liberal Arts)

Tan Oyen Sara (from Hong Kong)

● Reasons for studying abroad in Japan

What made you decide to study abroad in Japan?

Originally, I wanted to learn various languages, and when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study abroad.

Compared to the United Kingdom and the United States, Hong Kong is a less popular study abroad destination in Japan, but I chose Japan because I can learn another language in Japan and I can go home anytime because it is close to Hong Kong.

I've been traveling to Japan since I was little, and I first came to Japan when I was 2 years old. I don't remember much, but since then I have traveled to Japan about once a year. My parents also like Japan.

Everyone is polite, kind and beautiful. Both my parents and I like the fact that the details of Japan are solid.

Also, my uncle had a trade-related job and had a relationship with Japan, but he said that it was a different country than Hong Kong and that he was an interesting ethnic group. He recommended that if you go to Japan, your horizons will expand.



● Reasons for choosing JF Oberlin University

What made you choose JF Oberlin University?

I was interested in a faculty related to "global" or "international", and when I consulted with a teacher at a Japanese language school I attended, the teacher did a lot of research, and among them was JF Oberlin University.

I couldn't go to the open campus because the timing wasn't right, so I went to see it alone, but when I saw PFC (Planet Fuchinobe Campus), many flags of various countries were lined up and I saw it. I decided!

The biggest culture shock I had when I came to Japan was that foreigners were out of the group, or that only Japanese people gathered and couldn't get in well. Therefore, I felt that "this school is an environment where students from various countries can study together regardless of language or religion." I thought that equality in every country was the most important thing for me.

Of course, there are people who are grouped only by Japanese people after enrolling, but there are many people who are actively involved with international students.


● Current school life

Please tell us about your student life at JF Oberlin University. How many international students are there?

There are classes taken with Japanese people and Japanese language courses only for international students, and all Japanese language core courses are international students. About 20 to 30% of the classes with Japanese are international students, and I get the impression that there are many Chinese.

At first, the class with Japanese people was nervous. I was worried that I would be exposed to accents that seemed to be international students when I spoke. But now I don't care. "Yes, I'm an international student!" (Laughs).

Do you feel any difference in your Japanese ability compared to those around you?

When I was asked "Where can I improve?" About the report submitted in class, there was a person who was able to report the same university student as the Japanese even if he was the same international student. did.

When I was studying at a Japanese language school, many people used only kanji, and my teacher told me that "Japanese people don't speak that way," and then I started using easy Japanese. It was. Therefore, when I enter university and write a report or a dissertation, it feels like Chinese to me, only grammar is Japanese. I think there is a slight gap (compared to classes at a Japanese language school).

However, I was relieved that I learned how to write university reports there because international students take Japanese language core subjects for one year after enrollment. I think it would have been difficult without that year.


● Support system for international students

What is the international student support system of JF Oberlin University?

There is a place called CJL (Japanese Language Learning Resource Center), which is like a library where Japanese books and reference books are placed, and it was very useful because I could use Japanese resources and study by myself. Since last fall semester, I have been working part-time there about twice a week.

In addition, the WSC (Writing Support Center), which can help you write in Japanese and English, and the person in charge of international exchange will support international students. When I have a question, I ask the person in charge of international exchange.

You said you are in a dormitory. How is your life in the dormitory?

At first, I didn't want to live in a dormitory. I wanted to live alone.

However, my parents recommended that "the international dormitory is close to the school and the rent is cheap. I also have the opportunity to meet friends." Now that I think about it, I'm glad I entered the international dormitory as my parents advised! I made a lot of friends. I have friends from various countries and I can't count them.

I have many friends who study abroad for a short period of time, and some of them return to Japan, but I still keep in touch with them on Instagram and SNS.

When I got sick, my adviser teacher and dormitory manager helped me, my friends cooked food, bought medicine, and I'm really glad I lived in the dormitory. I would like to recommend it to all international students who are about to enter the university.


● Learning Japanese and preparing for entrance exams

Please tell me about studying Japanese.

Since I came to Japan, I started learning Japanese from scratch, so I had to think about going on to a Japanese language school six months later, and from there I had to take various exams. I thought it was difficult.

At a Japanese language school, you should acquire the ability to use proper Japanese. Many people are studying Japanese through anime, but I feel that the spoken, written, and wording are often strange. I thought it would be useful to study properly at a Japanese language school.

After coming to Japan, I started studying Japanese and passed N1 is amazing.

I've been to various places since I came to Japan, but it's fun to go out with my friends and to go out alone. You can make various observations by yourself. I think it is good to study not only in class textbooks but also in various places such as experience.

How was Entrance Examination JF Oberlin University?

I like interviews. However, there were still many things that were not enough to have an interview in Japanese. Even if you have a high score such as EJU or N2, it's a little bad if you're not good at speaking in an interview. That's why I worked hard to practice the interview.

I wasn't nervous on the day of the interview. He's a person who doesn't get too nervous and turns that tension into an uplifting feeling. Besides, I like to meet and talk with new people. So I was looking forward to it. I thought I might be able to talk a lot.

● For those who aim to become JF Oberlin University

Lastly, please give us some advice on the good points of JF Oberlin University and the students!

I think there are many international students who are aiming for a famous university. When I was attending a Japanese language school, I didn't have time at all! I thought I could go to a better school if I studied for another year. But now I'm glad I entered JF Oberlin University.

What do you want to learn, regardless of school or deviation value? I think you can learn everywhere, and I think there are amazing people everywhere. I'm the type who believes in fate, so I'm glad I believed in fate.

To all the students who are aiming for JF Oberlin University, the teachers at JF Oberlin University are very kind teachers, so don't be too nervous when interviewing, and you should speak with confidence and normal!

(Interview / shooting: September 30, 2020)

Information Information


JF Oberlin University


《Admissions Information Center》

194-0294 3758 Tokiwamachi, Machida-shi, Tokyo

日本国内から:TEL 042-797-1583



The person who wrote this article


アクセス日本留学Editorial Department.アクセス日本留学" where foreign students can request materials to find Japanese schools, and hold "advancement information sessions for foreign students".

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