Event Event

Schedule selection

event name [Hikarie] Schools Guidance for International Students 4th to June 5th, 2024_Shibuya Hikarie Hall
Date and time 2024/06/04(Tue) 11:00
~ 2024/06/05(Wed) 17:00

Please select the entry time closest to the time you will arrive at the venue (11:00/12:30/14:00/15:30).

We ask for your cooperation in realizing a fulfilling interview.

06/04(Tue) 11:00~17:00 You have reached the capacity limit
06/04(Tue) 12:30~17:00 You have reached the capacity limit
06/04(Tue) 14:00~17:00
Make this schedule
06/04(Tue) 15:30~17:00
Make this schedule
06/05(Wed) 11:00~17:00 You have reached the capacity limit
06/05(Wed) 12:30~17:00
Make this schedule
06/05(Wed) 14:00~17:00Yes
Make this schedule
06/05(Wed) 15:30~17:00Yes
Make this schedule