Recommendation Recommendation

일본에 유학하려고

法政大学(사립 / 대학)

자유 살아남는 실천 지식

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자유 살아남는 실천 지식

HOSEI University, established in 1880 as the Tokyo School of Law, is a Japanese university with a long and storied history.The university is comprised of 15 faculties 38 departments 15 graduate schools, and 2 professional schools, and also offers English-based degree programs, meaning prospective students have a wide variety of programs to choose from.

영어로 학위를 취득 할 수있는 과정 / 영어 강의의 유무

Undergraduate Programs:
Global and Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS)
Global Business Program (GBP)
Sustainability Co-creation Programme (SCOPE)
Institute for Global Economics and Social Sciences (IGESS)

Graduate Programs:
Global MBA Program
Institute of Integrated Science and Technology (IIST)

Programs Website (
Application Guidelines Website (

유학생 지원 제도

Support for International Students (Accommodations Support and Tuition Reduction)
* Tuition Reduction Scholarship
Eligible undergraduate students may receive the following tuition reduction scholarships, according to their grades at the university.
- 1st year students : 30 % tuition reduction
- 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year students with excellent academic performance : 40 % or 50 % tuition reduction, according to grades
* Scholarships
* Accommodations


[이치 가야 캠퍼스] JR 소부 선 : 이치 가야 역 또는 이이다 바시 역 하차 도보 10 분

기본 정보

우편 번호 102-8160
연락 가능한 전화 번호 03-3264-5776
유학생 특별 전형
편입학 제도
시험 유형 : 일본인 학생이 시험
재적 총 유학생 수 682명
원산지 국별 외국인 유학생

중국 399명

한국 234명

대만 16 명

베트남 6 명

말레이시아 6 명

기타 21 명

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